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Served on LPH-11 USS New Orleans in Desert Shield/Storm from Darryl Hockett on July 16, 2021 at 06:40:03
Email: Darryl Hockett

Hello all. Was wondering how I can get my name on the crew roster for LPH-11 USS New Orleans as embarked crew during during Desert Shield/Storm? I served as a 7041-Aviation Operations clerk with HMA-773 out of NAS Atlanta, MAG 42, 4th MAW, USMCR. We were called up for active duty and embarked with the 5th MEB on 1 Dec 1990. We offdecked to Tanajib, Saudia Arabia on 24 Feb 1991.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Semper Fi!

SSgt Darryl W Hockett
HMA-773, MAG42, 4th MAW, USMCR

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Served on LPH-11 USS New Orleans in Desert Shield/Storm from Mark Harris on 2021-07-16 14:08:55